Hang - определение. Что такое Hang
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Что (кто) такое Hang - определение

Hang (disambiguation); Hang (album)
Найдено результатов: 432
·noun A sharp or steep declivity or slope.
II. Hang ·vi To slope down; as, hanging grounds.
III. Hang ·vi To be, or be like, a suspended weight.
IV. Hang ·vi To lean or incline; to incline downward.
V. Hang ·vi To paste, as paper hangings, on the walls of a room.
VI. Hang ·vi To die or be put to death by suspension from the neck.
VII. Hang ·noun Connection; arrangement; plan; as, the hang of a discourse.
VIII. Hang ·vi To be fastened in such a manner as to allow of free motion on the point or points of suspension.
IX. Hang ·vi To put to death by suspending by the neck;
- a form of capital punishment; as, to hang a murderer.
X. Hang ·vi To be undetermined or uncertain; to be in suspense; to Linger; to be delayed.
XI. Hang ·noun The manner in which one part or thing hangs upon, or is connected with, another; as, the hang of a scythe.
XII. Hang ·add. ·vi Of a ball: To rebound unexpectedly or unusually slowly, due to backward spin on the ball or imperfections of ground.
XIII. Hang ·vi To fit properly, as at a proper angle (a part of an implement that is swung in using), as a scythe to its snath, or an ax to its helve.
XIV. Hang ·vi To hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or position instead of erect; to Droop; as, he hung his head in shame.
XV. Hang ·vi To fasten in a manner which will allow of free motion upon the point or points of suspension;
- said of a pendulum, a swing, a door, gate, ·etc.
XVI. Hang ·vi To Hover; to Impend; to appear threateningly;
- usually with over; as, evils hang over the country.
XVII. Hang ·vi To cover, decorate, or furnish by hanging pictures trophies, drapery, and the like, or by covering with paper hangings;
- said of a wall, a room, ·etc.
XVIII. Hang ·vi To hold for support; to Depend; to Cling;
- usually with on or upon; as, this question hangs on a single point.
XIX. Hang ·add. ·vt To prevent from reaching a decision, ·esp. by refusing to join in a verdict that must be unanimous; as, one obstinate juror can hang a jury.
XX. Hang ·vi To Suspend; to fasten to some elevated point without support from below;
- often used with up or out; as, to hang a coat on a hook; to hang up a sign; to hang out a banner.
XXI. Hang ·vi To be suspended or fastened to some elevated point without support from below; to Dangle; to Float; to Rest; to Remain; to Stay.
I. v. a.
Execute (by the halter), hang by the neck.
Attach (so as to swing).
Incline (the head), decline, drop, droop bend down, let droop.
Drape, adorn with hangings.
II. v. n.
Depend, dangle, be suspended.
Incline, droop, tend downward.
Depend, rely, be dependent.
Rest, cling.
Be held in fixed attention.
Hover, float, play.
(hangs, hanging, hung, hanged)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
Note: The form 'hung' is used as the past tense and past participle. The form 'hanged' is used as the past tense for meaning 5.
If something hangs in a high place or position, or if you hang it there, it is attached there so it does not touch the ground.
Notices painted on sheets hang at every entrance...
...small hanging lanterns...
They saw a young woman come out of the house to hang clothes on a line.
VERB: V prep/adv, V-ing, V n prep/adv
Hang up means the same as hang
I found his jacket, which was hanging up in the hallway...
Some prisoners climbed onto the roof and hung up a banner.
PHRASAL VERB: V P, V P n (not pron), also V n P
If a piece of clothing or fabric hangs in a particular way or position, that is how it is worn or arranged.
...a ragged fur coat that hung down to her calves...
VERB: V adv/prep
If something hangs loose or hangs open, it is partly fixed in position, but is not firmly held, supported, or controlled, often in such a way that it moves freely.
...her long golden hair which hung loose about her shoulders...
VERB: V adj
If something such as a wall is hung with pictures or other objects, they are attached to it.
The walls were hung with huge modern paintings.
VERB: usu passive, be V-ed with n
If someone is hanged or if they hang, they are killed, usually as a punishment, by having a rope tied around their neck and the support taken away from under their feet.
The five were expected to be hanged at 7 am on Tuesday...
It is right that their murderers should hang...
He hanged himself two hours after arriving at a mental hospital.
VERB: be V-ed, V, V pron-refl
hanging (hangings)
Four steamboat loads of spectators came to view a hanging in New Orleans.
If something such as someone's breath or smoke hangs in the air, it remains there without appearing to move or change position.
His breath was hanging in the air before him...
VERB: V prep/adv
If a possibility hangs over you, it worries you and makes your life unpleasant or difficult because you think it might happen.
A constant threat of unemployment hangs over thousands of university researchers...
VERB: V over n
see also hanging
, hung
If you get the hang of something such as a skill or activity, you begin to understand or realize how to do it. (INFORMAL)
It's a bit tricky at first till you get the hang of it.
PHRASE: V inflects: PHR n
If you tell someone to hang in there or to hang on in there, you are encouraging them to keep trying to do something and not to give up even though it might be difficult. (INFORMAL)
Hang in there and you never know what you might achieve.
PHRASE: V inflects
to hang by a thread: see thread
¦ verb (past and past participle hung except in sense 2)
1. suspend or be suspended from above with the lower part not attached.
attach or be attached so as to allow free movement about the point of attachment.
attach (meat or game) to a hook and leave it until dry, tender, or high.
(of fabric or a garment) fall or drape in a specified way.
paste (wallpaper) to a wall.
(be hung with) be decorated with (pictures or other decorations).
2. (past and past participle hanged) kill by tying a rope attached from above around the neck and removing the support from beneath the feet (used as a form of capital punishment).
be killed by hanging.
3. remain static in the air.
be present or imminent, especially oppressively: a sense of dread hung over him.
4. Computing come unexpectedly to a state in which no further operations can be carried out.
5. Baseball deliver (a pitch) which does not change direction and is easily hit by a batter.
6. N. Amer. informal way of saying hang around (in sense 2) or hang out.
¦ noun a downward droop or bend.
?the way in which something hangs or is hung.
¦ exclamation dated used in expressions as a mild oath: well, hang it all!
get the hang of informal learn how to operate or do.
hang fire delay or be delayed in taking action.
hang a left (or right) N. Amer. informal make a left (or right) turn.
hang someone out to dry informal leave someone in a difficult or vulnerable situation.
hang ten ride a surfboard with all ten toes curled over the board's front edge.
hang tough N. Amer. informal be or remain inflexible or firmly resolved.
let it all hang out informal be very relaxed or uninhibited.
not care (or give) a hang informal not care at all.
Phrasal verbs
hang around (or round or Brit. about)
1. loiter; wait around.
2. (hang around with) associate with.
hang back remain behind.
?show reluctance to act or move.
hang in (often hang in there)informal remain persistent and determined in difficult circumstances.
hang on
1. hold tightly.
informal remain firm or resolved.
2. informal wait for a short time.
3. be contingent or dependent on.
4. listen closely to.
hang out informal spend time relaxing or enjoying oneself.
hang together
1. make sense; be consistent.
2. (of people) help or support one another.
hang up end a telephone conversation by cutting the connection.
OE hangian (v.), of W. Gmc origin, reinforced by the ON verb hanga.
Hang has two past tense and past participle forms: hanged and hung. Use hung in most general uses, e.g. he hung the picture on the wall, but use hanged to refer to execution by hanging: the prisoner was hanged.
1. To wait for an event that will never occur. "The system is hanging because it can't read from the crashed drive". See wedged, hung. 2. To wait for some event to occur; to hang around until something happens. "The program displays a menu and then hangs until you type a character." Compare block. 3. To attach a peripheral device, especially in the construction "hang off": "We're going to hang another tape drive off the file server." Implies a device attached with cables, rather than something that is strictly inside the machine's chassis.
n. (colloq.)
to get the hang of smt.
1) ('to be suspended'); ('to fall') to hang limp; loose, loosely
2) (colloq.) (d; intr.) to hang around ('to frequent') (to hang around a bar)
3) (D; intr.) ('to be suspended') to hang by (to hang by a thread) (see also 16)
4)(D; tr.) ('to execute by hanging') to hang for (he was hanged for murder hang)
5) (d; intr.) ('to be suspended') to hang from (flags hung from the windows)
6) (d; intr.) ('to cling') to hang on (to hang on smb.'s arm)
7) (d; intr.) to hang on, upon ('to listen closely to') (they hung on every word)
8) (d; intr.) to hang on ('to depend on') (the outcome hangs on the results of the election)
9) (d; intr.) to hang on ('to be oppressive') time hangs on their hands)
10) (d; intr., tr.) ('to be suspended'); ('to suspend') to hang on (she hung the picture on the wall)
11) (d; intr.) ('to cling') to hang onto (he hung onto my arm)
12) (colloq.) (d; intr.) to hang onto ('to keep, retain') (we intend to hang onto this property; they hung onto their customs)
13) (d; intr.) ('to lean') to hang out of (to hang out of a window)
14) (d; intr.) ('to be suspended') to hang over (the coat was hanging over the chair; the threat of war hung over the country)
15) (d; tr.) ('to drape, suspend') to hang over (she hung the wet towel over the tub)
16) (misc.) to hang by a thread ('to be in a critical situation') USAGE NOTE: The past and past participle of hang are hung or hanged. The form hanged is more usual in the sense 'killed by hanging'. In other senses the form hung is usual.
Hang (instrument)         
The Hang; The hang; Hang (musical instrument, Hang Drum); Hang drum; Hanghang; PANArt Hang; Hang Drum; Hang (musical instrument); Hung (instrument)
The Hang (; plural form: Hanghang)PANArt Hang Bookl008 p. 8 is a type of musical instrument called a handpan, fitting into the idiophone class and based on the Caribbean steelpan instrument.
Hang (computing)         
Freeze (computing); AppHang; Not Responding
In computing, a hang or freeze occurs when either a process or system ceases to respond to inputs. A typical example is when computer's graphical user interface (such as Microsoft Windows) no longer responds to the user typing on the keyboard or moving the mouse.
My Hang V. Huynh         
My Hang V. Hyunh; My Hang Huynh
My Hang V. Huynh (born 1962) is a Vietnamese-American chemist in the High Explosives Science and Technology Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Hàng Dương Cemetery         
Hang Duong Cemetery
Hàng Dương Cemetery is a memorial cemetery in Vietnam with the remains of independence fighters and prisoners who died at the Con Dao Prison.Re-staging revolution and remembering toward change Page 63 Rivka Syd Matova Eisner, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.



Hang or Hanging may refer to: